Nov 28, 2008


ASP.Net Basics. is a technology(not a language), which is runs at server side. It is used to develop the web applications.

ex: 1.Intranet Apps.

2.Internet Apps.

3.Mobile Apps.

  • All modern apps are developed with
  • ASP is classical and it is not .net based.
  • ASP.Net is collection of objects(comming from .net).

.NET is a frame work that contains 2 things.

1. Libraries, and 2. Run time.

  • ASP.Net comes under libraries.
  • .NET contains 13,000 classes. To day among those might contain about 2000 classes.

Today's Applications.

1.Desktop applications.

2.Web applications.

3.Mobile applications.

4.Web services.

SOA =>Service Oriented Architecture.

SOA is the most important architecture in present days. Web service methods are part of web services.

1. Desktop applications.

It uses the resources of the client.

-- High performance.

-- High security.

-- Accessibility is low.

EX: MS Word, MS Paint , Yahoo messanger.

2. Web applications.

Resources or applications are reside in the user.

-- Performance is low.

-- Security is low.

Since web applications are used anywhere.

EX: Google, Gmail,,

3. Mobile applications.

Resources are client and server.

-- Performanance is low.

-- Security is low.

-- Accessibility is high.

EX: Personal data book, SMS application, Blue tooth, Mail applications.........etc.

4. Web services.

It is a model from Business to Business process to Application to Application service oriented architecture.

SOA is the most important in web services.

EX: Courier services.

Web services have all the factors of web application.

=> ASP.Net is developed for

  • Web apps.
  • Mobile apps.
  • Web services.

=> Now a days 10% uses desktop apps and remaining 90% are using the other 3 apps.

=> ASP.Net is not a language, but used for a language i.e C#,

==> .NET Frame work.


==> Web applications architecture.


  • Web server is a software that takes all requests which are in the form of HTTP.
  • Data base server would respond for all SQL.
  • Web applications run under web server.
  • All clients can request the server by HTTP.
  • Browser is also a software which is responsible for sending the request to the web server in the form of HTTP.
  • HTTP is a open standard protocol it is not a client or any vendor.
  • Yahoo messanger doesn't follow the rules i.e why it is not a web application(It doesn't run under web server).

IIS: Microsoft Internet Information Server.

Asp.Net runs only under IIS .

It runs only on windows.

Latest version is 7.0.

=> To check IIS is present or not (i.e web server).

- Open Internet Explorer and type as http://computer name or http://localhost

- Will display a wel come page if web server is running otherwise an error.

- Every web server when we install provides a console from where we can create web application.

- IIS also provides a console i.e allowos user to create web application.

=> In Win XP/2000/2003

Settings >> control panel >> administrative tools >> Internet information services(program)(is the location)(int service manager).

-- Go to default web site and entire list shown is list of web apps that are already present.

** Computer identified with the TCP/IP address.

-- Web servers (or other servers) are identified with a port no(that is IP/computer).

-- port no is one way through which operating system runs services.

IQ. By default what port no is used?

Ans: All web servers by default run under port no 80(http).

-- Oracle runs by default port 1521.

-- If web servers run under different port numbers, then explicitly we must mention it is the request.

EX: http://nit/webapp1 It means http://nit:80/webapp1.

-- Go to default web site properties to change or check the port number.

==> How to create web application under web server(IIS)?

Right click on default web site and select new >> virtual directory.

-- IIS would respond with a wizard asking for virtual name and physical or actual name. Just fill both and now your web application is ready.

Virtual: name of web application.

Physical: content of web application.

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