Nov 29, 2008

2.Programming the web.

  • Browser can understand only HTML. Any thing other than HTML browser can't understand.
  • HTML is a light weight language.
  • HTML is good for input and out put but not good for processing.
  • And also good for design.
  • Every web application is developed with one or more web pages. Todays web application demands lot of processing and yes all this processing is faced with top standards using scripting support for HTML.

           i.e scripting = Dynamic web pages.  == HTML+Scripting.

  • "C" language is the first scripting language for server side scripting language.

          Dynamic web pages= HTML+scripting (server side scripting+client side scripting).

  • Now a days browsers are having ineterpreters to increase the performanance.
  • Dynamic web pages with added features is a web application.

==> Scripting is provided in two ways:

1. Server side scripting.

2. Client side scripting.

                 Server side scripting: Where the total process at server and only the results that are related to browser in browser understandable forms are sent back as the result code here is secured as it runs at server.

                Client side scripting: Scripts that resides at server but on request sent to client and executed using clients interpreter are called client side scripts.

- Code is not secured because it runs in client.

- Client side scripts are dependent on browser because if browser doesn't have interpreter or doesn't support current version of interpreter, the program would fail to run.

- The main purpose of any client side scripting language is to reduce the load on server.

Ex: Java script, VB script, pearl script,Ecma........etc.
-- All browsers today support Java script.

Browsers list:
  Internet Explorer 7.0.
  Firefox 2.0(up comming browser).
  Safari-- Apple mac.
  Net scape.

Nov 28, 2008


ASP.Net Basics. is a technology(not a language), which is runs at server side. It is used to develop the web applications.

ex: 1.Intranet Apps.

2.Internet Apps.

3.Mobile Apps.

  • All modern apps are developed with
  • ASP is classical and it is not .net based.
  • ASP.Net is collection of objects(comming from .net).

.NET is a frame work that contains 2 things.

1. Libraries, and 2. Run time.

  • ASP.Net comes under libraries.
  • .NET contains 13,000 classes. To day among those might contain about 2000 classes.

Today's Applications.

1.Desktop applications.

2.Web applications.

3.Mobile applications.

4.Web services.

SOA =>Service Oriented Architecture.

SOA is the most important architecture in present days. Web service methods are part of web services.

1. Desktop applications.

It uses the resources of the client.

-- High performance.

-- High security.

-- Accessibility is low.

EX: MS Word, MS Paint , Yahoo messanger.

2. Web applications.

Resources or applications are reside in the user.

-- Performance is low.

-- Security is low.

Since web applications are used anywhere.

EX: Google, Gmail,,

3. Mobile applications.

Resources are client and server.

-- Performanance is low.

-- Security is low.

-- Accessibility is high.

EX: Personal data book, SMS application, Blue tooth, Mail applications.........etc.

4. Web services.

It is a model from Business to Business process to Application to Application service oriented architecture.

SOA is the most important in web services.

EX: Courier services.

Web services have all the factors of web application.

=> ASP.Net is developed for

  • Web apps.
  • Mobile apps.
  • Web services.

=> Now a days 10% uses desktop apps and remaining 90% are using the other 3 apps.

=> ASP.Net is not a language, but used for a language i.e C#,

==> .NET Frame work.


==> Web applications architecture.


  • Web server is a software that takes all requests which are in the form of HTTP.
  • Data base server would respond for all SQL.
  • Web applications run under web server.
  • All clients can request the server by HTTP.
  • Browser is also a software which is responsible for sending the request to the web server in the form of HTTP.
  • HTTP is a open standard protocol it is not a client or any vendor.
  • Yahoo messanger doesn't follow the rules i.e why it is not a web application(It doesn't run under web server).

IIS: Microsoft Internet Information Server.

Asp.Net runs only under IIS .

It runs only on windows.

Latest version is 7.0.

=> To check IIS is present or not (i.e web server).

- Open Internet Explorer and type as http://computer name or http://localhost

- Will display a wel come page if web server is running otherwise an error.

- Every web server when we install provides a console from where we can create web application.

- IIS also provides a console i.e allowos user to create web application.

=> In Win XP/2000/2003

Settings >> control panel >> administrative tools >> Internet information services(program)(is the location)(int service manager).

-- Go to default web site and entire list shown is list of web apps that are already present.

** Computer identified with the TCP/IP address.

-- Web servers (or other servers) are identified with a port no(that is IP/computer).

-- port no is one way through which operating system runs services.

IQ. By default what port no is used?

Ans: All web servers by default run under port no 80(http).

-- Oracle runs by default port 1521.

-- If web servers run under different port numbers, then explicitly we must mention it is the request.

EX: http://nit/webapp1 It means http://nit:80/webapp1.

-- Go to default web site properties to change or check the port number.

==> How to create web application under web server(IIS)?

Right click on default web site and select new >> virtual directory.

-- IIS would respond with a wizard asking for virtual name and physical or actual name. Just fill both and now your web application is ready.

Virtual: name of web application.

Physical: content of web application.